Emerging Tech 1


This project was a big learning experience for me. I came up with the idea by merging two tutorials into one project (one being found on youtube) and making them both function on a single arduino. The first step was to make a LED light respond to sound signals picked up by a sound sensor. I was having trouble making the sensor function but I got it working with some assistance. However, the next and final step was quite the challenge, which was to add a speaker that would also react to the sensor. At first, I simply copied the code from the tutorial on the 582 website and changed a couple of terms to fit with my project to no avail. Afterwards, I tried copying and integrating the code from a simpler tutorial which only made the buzzer fire off a sound. While it made for good groundwork, unfortunately, didnt work either. In the end, after much experimentation and many modifications , the project finally worked. Through this project, I was able to familiarize myself with the functioning and logic of C++, a programming language that was otherwise confusing to me.